Around three dozen new superbikes are being launched on Indian roads this year. Last year, due to Corona, the launch of these superbikes could not be done, and their global sale also fell significantly. But the way new roads, especially expressways, have been announced in this year’s budget, there is a lot of enthusiasm among companies making superbikes. The biggest problem for superbikes enthusiasts in India is that even if the speed of two-three hundred kilometers per hour, the bike can hardly catch the speed of hundred-and-hundred hundred. However, express wedge has reduced this problem. I myself have seen Suzuki Hayabusa touch 300 speed on Yamuna Expressway.
Status quo
One can say that where and how much is the market for superbikes in a poor country like India, which has created such enthusiasm among the companies that make them. If you look at the statistics of the last five years of SIAM i.e. Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, in 2016, the highest superbikes were sold in India – about seven and a quarter thousand. In the year 2020, this sales came down significantly. Only five and a half thousand such bikes were sold this year. Harley Davidson also had the largest share among these, but experts do not consider Harley to be a superbike. They call him a traveling bike. On the other hand, people consider Harley to be a status symbol more than a traveling bike, which has a tation more than twenty lakh cars.
One thing to note is that not all sports bikes are superbikes. To be called a superbike, the engine of the bike must be at least 600 cc. At the same time, the category of sports bikes in India starts with a 150 cc engine. Many companies sell bikes with 150 cc engine as sports bikes, but if you talk about biking sports, then superbikes have been ruling there for the last thirty years. And the largest part of it is of Japanese trains. If anyone has been able to compete with the superbikes made by Yamaha, Honda and Suzuki companies so far, it is the American MTT Turbine Superbike, which has a 320 horsepower engine. Explain that the engine of all these is above 900 cc and all have touched a speed of over 300 km per hour. Kawasaki’s latest model Ninja-H2 then boasts a top speed of 400 kilometers per hour, that too with a strength of 310 horses.
Italian bike manufacturer Ducati is going to launch about a dozen models this year. A model of Benelli from Italy is waiting to hit the road this year, while Britain’s Triumph is going to bring nine models. The way Harley Davidson consolidated its operations from India last year, there was a fear that the rest of the big companies around the world might not catch the path of Harley. These companies have taken another route to avoid hiccups. British company Triumph has signed a deal with Bajaj, while Benelli has tied up with Adhishwar Auto Ride India. Ducati, Suzuki, Honda and Kawasaki are selling their own goods.
A question also arises that given the condition of roads generally in India, how successful will these superbikes start at a price of five lakh rupees? Actually the base of superbikes is quite low and they cause a lot of damage from pits or speed breakers. As much damage to pits, it also causes repeated brakes. Those sold as sports bikes in India have a four-stroke engine, while superbikes have the same four-cylinder engine as the car. This engine requires coolant, which leaks by going into the pit of the bike or applying repeated brakes. Due to the heavy engine, superbikes also generate a lot of heat, which makes them often in trouble due to running in congested areas.
The arrangement of oil for these bikes is also crooked. In big cities, their oil is easily found, but in small cities people fill them with normal oil. Sometimes the engine misses a little while driving the bike. Its break is removed by adding a small octane booster to the engine, which further refines the oil and sends it into the engine. Maintaining the tires of these bikes is no less difficult. Special tires are used to stick on roads and turns, which are very expensive and wear out very quickly. Three dozen superbikes are being launched in India, so companies will have to think seriously about this.
New path will open
People do not ask for their average while taking superbikes. Their first question is, how much will be the maximum speed and in how long? Not everyone can handle superbikes. For this, not only the road, but also the body of the biker needs to be strong. To give more power to its 900 cc engine, either turbocharger or supercharger are installed, some companies have arranged to take the electric charge back from the engine and return it to the engine. The Suzuki Hayabusa used in the bikes ‘Dhoom’ on the bikes were fitted with nitrous oxide cylinders, but they are now doing a new type of charger. If this plan is mentioned in the budget of this time, even if fifty percent of it is completed, then those who seek freedom in speed will find a new path.
Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author’s own
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