Home Lifestyle How will the baby look, it depends on these things of mother and father

How will the baby look, it depends on these things of mother and father

How will the baby look, it depends on these things of mother and father


After getting pregnant, the question often comes in the mind of women that what will their child look like. What would his nose be like, what would his eyes be like? After getting pregnant till the time the baby comes in the lap, mothers keep thinking whether the child will go to his father or to his mother.

Some children go to the mother, some look like their daddy while some children are a combination of both mother and father. But some children go completely away from their parents.

Here we are telling you what factors depend on the baby’s Naan-Naksha and Looks.


DNA tells about a baby’s looks but DNA is also a complex subject. From hair color, eye color, length and weight to cheek dimples, you and your partner’s DNA can tell. In most cases, the dominant genes win over the DNA.

Also read: How Premature Baby Looks Like, Are Nain-Nakshas Different From Common Children?


Moderate consumption of alcohol is fine during pregnancy, but alcohol consumption can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome. The fetus that develops due to this syndrome is born with some distinctive features such as it may have small eyes or thin lips. It can also affect the intellectual and developmental abilities of the child.

healthy habits

Not exercising during pregnancy or eating unhealthy food can affect the weight of the baby at birth. It has been seen that the children of fat women are also fat. As soon as you know that you are pregnant, you should start eating healthy and nutritious food. Also include exercise in your routine.

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Taking prenatal vitamins is very important during pregnancy. Any one of these supplements can affect the appearance of the baby. Folic acid is essential for making the baby’s spinal cord. Due to its deficiency, the child may have the problem of spina bifida.

At the same time, taking too much caffeine during pregnancy can affect the weight of the baby. The baby may be smaller or thinner than the normal weight at birth. Therefore, it is better that you reduce the intake of caffeine during pregnancy.

family history

Family history can also play a role in a baby’s looks, as can recessive jeans. There are some genes whose chances of affecting the appearance of the child are less, but suddenly these genes start showing their effect.

Also read: If you want to have an intelligent child, then eat these superfoods during pregnancy

No need to take tension

You do not have to worry about all these things, how the child will look and how will his/her look. Your child’s looks will go to you or your father or any family member. So you should not worry about the looks of the child. Instead, be happy and relaxed in pregnancy so that the baby is also healthy.


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