High Blood Pressure Can Increase Risk of Epilepsy
Hypertension, defined as the presence of elevated blood pressure or use of antihypertensive medications, was linked to a nearly 2-fold higher risk of...
Can Drinking Coffee or Tea Lower Risk of Stroke and Dementia?
Drinking coffee was also associated with a lower risk of post-stroke dementia.
How Does a Grandmothers’ Brain React to Seeing Her Grandchildren?
"What really jumps out in the data is the activation in areas of the brain associated with emotional empathy," says James Rilling, Emory...
Molecular Changes in Down Syndrome
Down syndrome affects one in every 700 births. The disorder not only hampers cognition in patients but also...
Disinfectant in Face Wipes and Eyedrops ‘Less’ Effective: Study
These common bacteria -- Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species -- are harmless enough in their...
Health Effects of Drinking Caffeinated Coffee
The majority of long-term observational studies have suggested multiple potential benefits of drinking coffee, while this is the first randomized trial to investigate...
Way You Laugh Shows Your Culture
Researchers explored how the two types of laughter differ across cultures, with the expectation that spontaneous laughter might sound...
New Technology Predicts the Risk of Irregular Heartbeat
Therefore, people who are identified with risk for developing atrial fibrillation could benefit from preventative measures. The research findings are published in...
Post-Mortem can Now be Performed at Night!
The new procedure will also promote organ donation and transplant, as organs can be harvested in the stipulated time window after the procedure,...